Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good News!

Lately, I have come into a streak of good luck! I had a pre-screening session with a representative from Tamarack (a facility that showcases handcrafts, fine art and regional cuisine) and I have been accepted for their current jury session tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed that I get accepted, I would love to have a semi-permanent space for exhibition. Plus, Tamarack gets masses of tourists that come through their galleries - and what artist doesn't like the idea of masses of viewers?

Allied Artists of WV had their jury session for new members on Saturday in Charleston, WV. Derek Overfield and I traveled down and submitted our work - we will know the results in a couple weeks. You can find out about AAWV here - > Also, two awards came my way from two separate competitions I recently entered Images of the Mon and Exhibit 60. Thanks to jurors Barbara Beer and Phil Salvato and congrats to everyone accepted into the shows as well as the other award winners.

April has been good to me!

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