Thanksgiving has come and gone, and all I have left is shame. Since my day job is at a college, I had last Thursday and Friday off from work, plus both Derek and I took a vacation day yesterday to make for an extra long weekend. I had the best of painting intentions! The days leading up to the vacation I had prepped several canvases. Despite my preparation, most days were spent eating the most beautiful brownies and Christmas m&ms, playing Sonic the Hedgehog on Derek's old nintendo, and cleaning/decorating the house (for Christmas). I did not touch a paintbrush or palette knife the entire time. Ouch. So now I am feeling fairly guilty and desperate to paint. Yesterday on the vacation day I did take down the display at Barnes and Noble and dropped off four works at the MAC in Morgantown for their Gallery of Gifts exhibition that runs from December 4th - 22nd. There will be a Holiday Reception for the show on December 4th from noon - 4:00pm with refreshments provided. So all was not lost, at least I got that taken care of, but I still have the lingering shame and unpainted canvases....